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                              4 Setup

 The Setup program, FDSETUP hereafter, is used to configure FrontDoor.
 Most functions and behavior of the Editor (FM), Mailer (FD), and
 Terminal are controlled from FDSETUP. When you start FDSETUP, it
 searches for the system file, SETUP.FD, in the directory pointed to
 by the FD environment variable.

 If the FD variable has not been set, FDSETUP searches the current
 directory for SETUP.FD. If it cannot open SETUP.FD, it will ask you
 if you want to create a new file or abort.

     4.1 FD environment variable

     The FD environment variable specifies where FDSETUP should search
     for SETUP.FD. If the FD environment variable is not set, FDSETUP
     will search the current directory for SETUP.FD. It is recommended
     that you add SET FD=<path> to your AUTOEXEC.BAT or other startup
     file. This allows FDSETUP, and the other FrontDoor programs, to
     locate SETUP.FD without having to be in the same directory.

         SET FD=<PATHSPEC>

         Eg. SET FD=C:\FD

     4.2 FD.SYS <> SETUP.FD

     The system file was previously (FD 1.99c and FD 2.00) called
     FD.SYS and some programs may still require it to be present
     before they will run (TosScan 1.00 is one example). It is
     therefore VERY IMPORTANT that you COPY SETUP.FD to FD.SYS
     whenever you have made changes to SETUP.FD by using FDSETUP.

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